Monday, August 3, 2009

Schreiber out of Canada, finally

So Karlheinz Schreiber has finally been extradited to Germany to face corruption and tax evasion charges. Now, he's claiming that the charges could lead Angela Merkel, Gemany's Chancellor, to electoral defeat in a few week's time.

This guy doesn't know when to shut up. Two major former world leaders -- Brian Mulroney and Helmut Kohl -- had their reputations destroyed by Herr Schreiber and his propensity to manage to make secret payments to them, while still serving in high office. The leaders at least admitted they took money from Schreiber, although the admissions were well after they resigned their posts and they insist what they actually got was far less than what Schreiber claims it was. What does he have to possibly gain by trying to sully Frau Merkel, unless he can actually prove he made an illegal donation to her?
"Seven scandals in one"? Try one and a half, at most. Maybe just a half. Good riddance -- twenty-one appeals must be a new record in the annals of Canadian justice. As for Mulroney and Kohl, well, we'll just have to wait and see.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

had their reputations destroyed by Herr Schreiber and his propensity to manage to make secret payments to them
You'd think that NOT ACCEPTING bribes would have kept their reputation clean....