Sunday, March 20, 2011

World strikes back against Libya

I've often felt that military intervention is warranted when there are gross human rights violations, but often it has not happened where it was most needed or when it was too late -- think Rwanda and Bosnia for instance.   But now the rubber has hit the road, and several countries -- Canada, the US, the UK, France, Italy and Spain among others -- are now striking Libya.   Canada has two ships and 6 F-18s there, although it's still not clear whether they'll be based in Italy, Malta or Spain ... (we never should have closed our bases in Germany).

Let's just get the job done quickly to get rid of the idiot running the country and not get bogged down into yet another quagmire (think Afghanistan).

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Anonymous said...

Interesting ... where was the world over the last 40 years? Oh yeah ... we were busy keeping this guy in power and profiting from his dictatorship.

Companies like SNC Lavalin and Petro Canada have been active in Libya, supporting Ghadafi's reign. Even our own government engaged in trade missions to the country.

BlastFurnace said...

Anon #1: Wherever, whenever ... let freedom ring. But let's be sure we know what we're getting into and we get it done quickly. I can name quite a few other countries where we should have acted ages ago -- Burma and Equatorial Guinea, to name two.

Anon #2: I support the concept of ethical investment and companies that act in concert with corrupt regimes should be avoided as much as possible. Heck, even legitimate democracies like France allow corporations to deduct bribes from their taxes because it's part of the "cost of doing business." I hope we do not go down that path.

Anonymous said...

This is only going to trigger Gadafi to arm civilians on his side do his bidding. this is only going to escalate this into a civil war with a lot of dead civilians. Do we intend on bombing civilians supportive of Gadafi?

ridenrain said...

Keep in mind that this all started because of a popular uprising of the Libyan people. Opening up the armoreies to those same people isn't going to help Ghadafi.

Elli D. said...

It is obvious that there are several other reasons for the intervention in Libya, not just the freedom of the Libyan people. It is very disapointing, yet still true that some countries are simply not interesting enough for others to take actions.

drupal website development said...

Its very interesting.There are so many reasons to strikes back against Libya.It not only because of their freedom.there are other countries who should acted ages ago.