Monday, March 3, 2008

Libel threat

So much for cooler heads. Stephen Harper is now threatening to sue the Liberals for $1 million alleging libel over the Cadman affair; unless Stéphane Dion apologizes.

Fat chance an apology will happen. This is a serious matter requiring an investigation by both the Mounties and the House Ethics Committee. There is also an inherent contradiction between what Dona Cadman is saying about what Harper told her about the offer (his claim to her that he didn't know about any offer) and what he said on tape to Tom Zytaruk (that he told the handlers they could make an offer to Cadman but they were wasting their time).

This is intimidation, plain and simple. Mulroney never sued the "Rat Packers" for going after him day after day on specific allegations of corruption while he was PM. Chrétien never sued the Reform Party's lead team for their going after him day after day while he was PM.

I have to wonder if Harper has finally lost his grip; or if is he perhaps taking some inspiration from Vladimir Putin and his suppression of nearly any and all opposition in Russia. Normally, a head of state is the defendant in a lawsuit, not the plaintiff. I also find it peculiar that Harper isn't going after the publisher of the book, the author or the Cadman family. Just the Liberals.

I fear we may have entered the dictatorship of the dominionists. To be against Harper is to be against God. And this is still a minority government. Any court worth its due will quash this lawsuit on the merits -- that there are none, pending a proper police investigation.

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