With the news that Dominic LeBlanc, son of a former GG, has dropped out of the Liberal race, the battle is now down to MM. Ignatieff and Rae. However, if the caucus of MPs and Senators thinks they can decide this on their own, think again. One of the reasons for the Cons' success is one member, one vote -- with no "superdelegates" to overturn the will of the membership.
In the present situation, we Liberals need to get our act together and fast. There's no reason why we can't have a quick vote of the membership to determine a new leader. My preference is one member, one vote -- but even if we have an electoral college like the defunct PC Party where each of the 308 districts gets equal weight, that would still be better than the status quo. I believe both of the remaining candidates should put their case forward and let the members -- not the party hacks -- decide.
Of course, I continue to support Iggy but if Rae came out as the legitimate leader after a truly open process I would accept it.
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You say that you want one member one vote, but that you support Iggy?
Iggy doesn't support one member one vote, he supports a caucus vote, preferably one without Senators!
Rae on the other hand, unequivocally supports a one member one vote system, giving all party members a say and a stake in the outcome.
I'm not making this up, Iggy's position is made clear by his own actions, as well as those of his National Campaign Director Steve McKinnon. There is ample evidence of his position.
So, to what extent do the agreements, accords and letters which put the coalition in place apply to the successors of the signatories?
If Dion is out, I would expect that the Accord is dead and, consequently, the coalition is dead. This is particularly true if Iggy is successful in taking the leadership of the Liberal Party. After all, Mr. Lukewarm has done nothing to give the GG any assurance that he is fully committed to this "coup de graceless".
Consider, he only reluctantly stepped before the microphones with the other two aspirants to say he was in. Never has he shared the stage with Layton or Duceppe, let alone Dion, on this crucial matter. Never has he given a "come hell or high water" quote ... and he always has a good quote.
Now, if Iggy is willing to align the Liberals with the NDP and Bloc once again, Ms Jean may have something to think about. Clearly, the new Liberal leader will have to go through the hand-shaking, accord-signing ritual with his socialist and separatist friends to make the GG take even a passing glance at an alternative government.
I am confident, however, that Iggy recognizes the folly that this represents for the already tarnished Liberal brand and will let this thing die.
Bottom line - if there is a successful non-confidence vote in January, we will be going to the polls. With no alternative drooling at her front gate, the GG will have to proceed with disolution and a trip to the polls.
Get your campaigns ready, folks!
JC Kelan
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