Wednesday, May 2, 2007

How many violations does it take to close a bar?

I've never been much for the bar scene although I do drop into one on occasion. Where I go depends on whether I can get safely home by public transit as well as the reputation the bar has -- it is rowdy, quiet, etc.

One local bar here in Hamilton in the East End (that is, of the old city, the new "end" after amalgamation is about 15 km further out) has gotten a nasty rap over the years -- especially recently with three shootings, one of them last weekend -- and some uncooperative witnesses. Another patron, here from the States, was murdered. Despite repeated warnings to do something about security things have only seemed to get worse. Today, the city will decide whether it's time to pull its license.

I would hope they do. The East End -- not downtown -- is the real heart of the city, where working families work and live and where much of the city's industry is. The values this city represent. Violence certainly isn't among them. And if someone can't be bothered to post off-duty cops or security officers when a condition of license specifies they must, they shouldn't be allowed to run any business let alone a bar.

In my freshman year at university, an underage drinking violation resulted in an on-campus bar being closed for the weekend during frosh week. And that's just a misdemeanour. We're talking felonies and nothing's being done? Come on.

While they're at it, City Hall really does need to adopt Toronto's version of the food safety signs with green, red and yellow. A lot of violations in Hamilton still get a "pass," and just the mere thought of some places in town -- although not the bar in question above mind you -- makes me want to hurl having been there.

UPDATE (6:13 PM EDT, 2213 GMT): Can you believe this one? The bar's license expired on April 9th -- and the decision was made not to renew. Good.

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