Thursday, May 3, 2007

Was it because of his race?

James Bartleman, Ontario's Lieutentant Governor, dropped a huge bombshell at the Air India imvestigation today when he revealed he tipped off the Mounties about the exact flight that was going to be targeted and when, which was days before the disaster -- and was promptly told that he shouldn't tell cops how to do their job.

The question that should be asked why he was rebuffed is this: Was it because he was at that time a diplomat and the foreign service just didn't get along with law enforcement ... or was it because he's Aboriginal?

I'm not kidding. If the tipster was a WASP or French, could the plot have been thwarted?

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IslandLiberal said...

I highly doubt it.

granny said...

You know, that hadn't occurred to me. I just assumed that's a normal RCMP response.
Are we going to hear more from that officer I wonder?