Wednesday, March 28, 2007

More proof Tom Cruise wants to be bigger than Jesus

There's outrage in Sydney, Australia today over a stunt pulled by the Church of Scientology. What was supposed to be a human rights forum for young people at the New South Wales state legislature turned out to be a chat session proselytizing for the movement founded by L. Ron Hubbard. Students, in fact, were given application forms to join the church (for a membership fee, naturally) along with a human rights pledge.

It's bad enough the organizer of the event -- who just happens to belong to the controversial Roman Catholic sub sect Opus Dei -- didn't do due diligence on this one. But promoting human rights? Have Scientologists forgotten that Hubbard made a number of disparaging remarks about Asians and blacks? Or that he supported apartheid?

The Catholic Church is certainly no saint when it comes to human rights -- after all, it made anti-Semitism a tenet of its faith until the 1960s. But as far as I know, it's never made membership in the church a condition of saying that one is for human rights. Nor does it ask people to sign a statement saying they support rights and then try to force them into the Church.

Indoctrination is simply uncalled for in this case. The students should get an apology.

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