Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hypothetical question #1

This is a totally hypothetical question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. Because I know of people who's done what follows.

No matter how you may feel about it, and I personally think it's very, very, wrong, ask yourself this: If you're getting promoted at work depended on sleeping with the boss, and you needed that promotion because along with it came not only more money but also fringe benefits and early pension vesting -- would you do it?

Be honest, but keep it clean ... I'm still moderating, after all.

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1 comment:

Jafo said...

I am a male. I've always had a male as a boss. Sleep with him to get ahead? Not on your life. Seriously though, if my superior was a female and I had the chance to get ahead by sleeping with her. No. I value my marriage too much. After 30 years of marriage, no job or amount of money is worth destroying it.