Friday, April 20, 2007

Limbo goes la-la

In a widely expected decision the Vatican has decided to get rid of the concept of "limbo," the idea that unbaptized babies who died went to a state of eternal bliss but one apart from God. I never heard about the notion until I was in the 7th grade and I found it a repulsive concept -- as did as it turns out our teacher that year, a nun.

The church will now say that such "lost" souls go to heaven. I sure hope so -- after all, being separated forever from God is the equivalent to Hell, whereas union with God is that of Heaven. They still need to work on purgatory, something which many Catholics reject. The idea of a half-way house or a boot camp in the afterlife is, well, based on specious logic and a narrow reading of the Bible -- unless I've missed something.

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