Friday, October 10, 2008

2008 Nobel Peace Prize

After yet another day of turmoil in Asia-Pacific stock markets, which of course will spread to Europe and North America, I suppose now we can officially call it a crash -- and what the short and long term damage will be will take some time to sort out. But there is some positive news this morning. Any other day this would have been the top story for the morning.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee after sifting through 197 nominees has awarded the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize to the former President of Finland Martti Ahtisaari. He was cited for his work in helping to end South Africa's decades-long occupation of Namibia as well as his behind-the-scenes diplomacy in Aceh, Kovoso, Northern Ireland, the Horn of Africa and Iraq. (Official citation here.)

All I can say is, congratulations sir. Some previous choices could only be seen as bizarre or out of the park but if anyone deserves it you certainly do. Alfred Nobel intended the prize to go to someone who among other things worked for "fraternity between nations" and that you have.

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