Monday, October 27, 2008

Ted Stevens: Guilty X 8

The US Democrats now have even greater hope of achieving the magic number of 60 in the Senate next week. Ted Stevens, the "Alaskan of the 20th Century" and a man with an ego so big he named the Anchorage Airport after himself -- has been convicted on all eight counts of filing false financial statements.

His opponent, Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich, must be celebrating but I wouldn't be so fast to do so. Americans have voted for dead people after all, as well as crooked ones.

If Dubya even dares to offer him a pardon or clemency, as he did for Scooter Libby, then that act alone will outclass anything Warren G. Harding did with Teapot Dome -- ironically, also about oil on public lands -- or even Tricky Dick Nixon.

In the end, Stevens had it coming to him, especially when he blamed the wife. It must take incredible hubris to name an airport after oneself, just as Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) did for himself on an expressway after a major highway in the state -- US19 -- was twinned.

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