Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More Obamentum

This is absolutely incredible. Barack Obama's lead over John McCain just keeps getting larger and larger. Based on a weighted average of the six major polls in the US --- Gallup, Rasmussen, ABC/WaPo, Hotline/Diageo, Research 2000 and Zogby -- Obama is ahead 51.3% to 43.1% or 8.2%. This is well ahead of the roughly 3.2% weighted margin of error.

Meanwhile 124 newspapers have now endorsed Mr Obama while only 46 have backed McCain. 27 have moved from the red column to the blue while only 4 have gone the other way.

Wonder if OBL is biding his time, waiting to release another videotape to prove he's still alive? At this point, it probably won't matter -- Americans won't get fooled again; and the huge lineups for advance polls (often three hours or more) indicate possibly a record turnout. I think people in the States are really pissed if they're willing to vote two weeks ahead of the actual date.

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rww said...

Remember the weakest link theory. The ticket is only as strong as its weakest link.

Even disregarding Palin's obvious lack of qualification to be Vice President never mind potentially Presiden, 50 % of voters are women. How many women can bring themselves to vote for someone that thinks that rape victims should have to pay for the cost of collecting evidence to investigate the crime perpetrated against them. Not very many.

What was he thinking. Talk about undersetimating the intelligence of the voters.dwjsom

BlastFurnace said...

That's a very good point, rww. As a dude, I find it infuriating that Joe Biden voted to provide funding for rape test kits -- and Palin cut it, or redirected it for her own personal pork-barrel projects?

I wonder if she even knows someone who's been sexually assaulted; or maybe she's in a circle where it's not polite or "Godly" to even discuss such things.

Anonymous said...

LOL...oh u are getting your poll numbers from msnbc arent you....most reputable polls, have the contest within the margin of error, but I dont see this comming out of missinformed people like you.
as for the attacks on palin making victims of rape pay for collecting are lyers, wannabe bloggers, it makes u feel important to lie and bullshit about a woman?...this is not true, ur story is on....and you know what, I am a liberal and ashamed idiots like u 2 pretend to be whatever u wanna be.
this is for you and your lies, dont blog for the liberals if you cant tell the truth...I know i am wasting my time, but here goes anyway...put your kool aid friends, reid, pelosie and the wind bag, in control of the canadian economy in 1993, instead of Chretien, what whould of hapened to our country, "bankrupcy", u cant tax buisness in the mess we are in right now, to recover, we need the creation of on.. but then u know this. remember what b. franks said "we will have to raise all taxes".
Now moderate

BlastFurnace said...

I've seen broader measures covering even more polls -- about a dozen or so, then averaged out -- and they're telling pretty much the same story.

For my part, the ones I follow the most are Zogby (on the left) and Rasmussen (on the right) since they tend to ask the questions many others like Gallup and Roper don't (or don't any more).

I found it interesting that Zogby mentioned their cross-tabs now show the iron-core NASCAR fans (those who show up for races in person and do the tailgate parties), a group once solidly GOP, are now split 50-50. Lose NASCAR, you may as well lose the election.