Monday, April 30, 2007

George Tenet's non-answer answers

George Tenet is a problematic figure, and last night's interview with Scott Pelley on CBS' 60 Minutes really didn't answer the questions many of us still have about what happened between 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq. However, he did score some points when he deplored the outing of Valerie Plame, saying that: "The country's intelligence officers are not fair game." This is in clear reference to Karl Rove, who felt she was in fact fair game.

Reading the transcript this morning, I still have a lot of questions. Why wasn't he more specific when he said the case for war was a "slam dunk"? Why is he still defending torture and refusing to call it for what it is? And why did he accept the Medal of Freedom when it clearly is tainted?

At least he's trying to be honest about what happened. I wish there had been more of that before and after 9/11. Otherwise there wouldn't have been this quagmire we're all stuck in.

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