Friday, April 27, 2007

I was going to call David Miller a putz ...

... for the way he and Toronto City Hall were treating a bunch of school kids for wanting to do the right thing. They collected about 12,000 batteries from their homes and asked the city's toxic waste van to come by the school and pick them up. The numnuts bureaucrats said no, that they only picked up from homes. But they are from homes. No, the bureaucrats said, they're now at an institution and we only serve homes.

Try to wrap your head around that fucking logic and it makes PMS' so-called Green Plan look heroic.

Late today, Toronto relented and sent the van over. They have also extended their policy to include all schools. This prompted the good kids to issue a challenge to other schools to beat what they did. Bully for them for winning this one -- mercury poisoning ground water is not a pleasant thing at all.

Turns out Hamilton has a similar program -- well established and running for years, to deal with all household hazardous wastes, but you actually have to drive to the dépôt to drop them off. For a lot of homebound people the only option is to throw batteries in the garbage or motor oil down the drainpipes. A stupid idea, of course, but it happens. Our city could use a van like that as well -- hopefully run by people not as stupid as the public servants in Toronto who dropped the manure on this one.

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Edward Hollett said...

A putz is potential useful.

Perhaps the word you seek is schmuck.

BlastFurnace said...

Thanks, Ed. I stand by putz, but schmuck is a whole lot better.