Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hooray for (McAuliffe's) New Math!

This is truly bizarre. I'm not sure if you've heard but Terry McAuliffe, the former DNC Chair who's now running the Hillary campaign, is trying to push the goalpost back a bit. He says the real magic number isn't 2025, but 2209 (if you include Florida and Michigan). This, in spite of the fact that four years ago when Michigan then attempted to have its primary before New Hampshire, McAuliffe threatened Michigan with a 50% penalty.

What's changed between then and now? Rules are the rules. Even if you put those two states back in you still have to have a 50% penalty -- the rules all the states agreed to last year -- the magic number is 2117; and by any math Obama would still beat that number too once the primary season is over (counting in the cross-overs and add ins that are certain to flood his way).

Maybe McAuliffe believes that American kids should once again be taught "New Math."

I mean, seriously. This from a team that once tried to say that oral sex when performed by a woman is sex, but when performed by a man isn't.

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