Wednesday, May 14, 2008

John Edwards endorses Barack Obama

Hillary Clinton must be asking if the astrologer on her payroll -- if she has one -- ought to be fired. She spent the whole afternoon taping TV interviews for tonight's newscasts; and gets upstaged by none other than John Edwards, who in the last hour (at this writing) and just in time for the evening newscasts on the East Coast endorsed Barack Obama. If his 19 pledged delegates and one superdelegate join him, that more than wipes out all her gains last night in West Virginia.

Moreover, it may give some straddling superdelegates who would have otherwise endorsed Edwards had he stayed in the race (given his very strong stance against endemic poverty) the incentive they need to wrap this thing up. Sure, Clinton has the right to stay in the race to the bitter end. But as Bette Midler is fond of saying, "Why bother?"

It does pose a question, though: Less than 48 hours ago he was on Larry King Live and still refused to say one way or the other, so what changed? Anyone know something about this? Edwards must have been offered vice-president or a cabinet post as quid pro quo, otherwise he wouldn't have waited until after the primary in North Carolina last week.

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1 comment:

Red Tory exposed said...

ok, now his delegates do not automatically go the the windbag and edwards was not exactly a main player was effect other than ganging up on a woman the way these 2 idiots did during the debates, it will backfire, watch next tuesday....hillary for president and thats why there has been no mass ondorsment of obama by the super delegates, he cant win in november...I would rather see mccain than him, and thatts the view of the majority