Thursday, May 29, 2008

Let's play hardball!

With apologies to Chris Matthews ...

The Democratic Party's Rules and By-Laws committee meets two days hence to figure out what to do with Florida and Michigan. We all know what the deal is: Hillary who was against the delegates being seated is now for them being seated; while Barack wants the states seated at a 50% penalty de minimus.

If this posting from CNN is any indication, Obama's people will play hardball this weekend -- just as he himself did in 1996 when he got three fellow community activists disqualified from running for the Illinois state Senate over very minor violations with their nominating papers. It doesn't look like he was happy doing so but he needed an edge and used it. Holding primaries a full week before Super Tuesday, the first legal day to do so, is hardly a minor violation.

Rules are open to interpretation, but in the end they are rules ... and even with a 50% break which is the rule, that would only get Clinton to a point where she needs 87% of the remaining superdelegates to win. Not going to happen unless something really weird happens, and we don't want it to happen.

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