Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It's finally over -- maybe

The AP is reporting that Clinton will acknowledge that Obama will have the most delegates tonight; but in the last few minutes Clinton's manager McAuliffe said Clinton has no plans of conceding at all later. Actually, that's not what the wire story said. It said Clinton will say Obama has met the magic number of 2118 -- which will almost certainly happen when undecided Representatives and Senators rush Obama's way after South Dakota and Montana close tonight.

The fact she's not conceding indicates means she somehow still thinks she can arm-twist the PLEOs to change their minds and go her way in Denver. Sorry, ma'am, not gonna happen. No Obama superdelegate has switched her way; in fact a handful of party officials and even some of her elected pledged delegates have switched from Clinton to Obama.

Still, it looks like tonight or tomorrow, the real race will finally be on. Obama will need to find some way to placate Clinton. I'd suggest Attorney General -- so as to restore the indepedence of the Justice Department from White House control.

Just as an afterthought: That 50% penalty that Florida and Michigan got last weekend? It's interesting the GOP imposed the exact same penalty on those two states up front. The fact that it took over six months for the Dems to get their act together was a disgrace.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hillary the Horrible! If the numbers were reversed, Obama would have given up weeks ago.