Saturday, April 19, 2008

Let's Get It On

No, not the Marvin Gaye Jr. song, although it's a good one.

I have to agree with my colleague Scott Tribe that if there is one issue on which to end the current Parliament, it's on immigration. Immigration may very well be THE opening Stéphane Dion has to go on, to bring down the government of Stephen Harper. It happened to be one of the issues at or near the top of the agenda at the local Liberal riding association meeting (Hamilton Mountain) earlier this week. It also won't be the only issue discussed in a campaign.

It's a huge risk ... but it is probably an issue that unites most fair minded Canadians who share a middle of the road approach. When a country opens its doors to people from all walks of life, all trades, and all other countries, that tells others what the country's values are. When a country closes its doors, builds fences, kicks out people with long standing ties to a country on the flimsiest evidence, that also tells of that country's values.

As I noted in an earlier post, of course a country should update its immigration policy to meet current challenges; and in Canada's case where the jurisdiction is shared with the provinces, attention is needed to address each region's particular needs. However, absolute power corrupts absolutely. The PMO has too much in its hands already, the Harper reforms would give the office even more power in an area where it really shouldn't have it.

As an offshoot, an election now also be a welcome chance to get rid of Diane Finley. She's not too popular a character with some of my friends -- first and second generation Canadians who have been stonewalled by the Immigration Department on myriad issues, as well as people from the immediate area as well as in and around Caledonia (non-Native and off-reserve Native) which she represents.

The In and Out bit is just one more reason to get moving, in my opinion. So is the environment. So enough half-measures and dithering. This country needs a real discussion about what needs to be done, and the people need to decide it; not a cabal of a dozen or so people in a cramped room in the Château by the Rideau.

Let's get it on.

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1 comment:

Kai_Wolf said...

The In and Out bit is just one more reason to get moving, in my opinion.

Heh, but now your Liberals won't, will they? Just when you Liberals were musing that you finally had your election ace, along comes a little cold splash of water (BAM!) in your Liberal faces in the form of a set of handcuffs to keep your scandal mongering hopes for an election on ice.

Immigration may very well be THE opening Stéphane Dion has to go on, to bring down the government of Stephen Harper.

That is all well and nice But the Liberals won't, will they? They'll cave on this, too. Yet one more example of how on a HOC vote, Liberals continue to abandon their core principles and values. No, there won't be an election any time soon.

Let's get it on.

Indeed. However, the Liberals don't have the spine for it. Its been proven. And they will demonstrate that on this issue as well.