Friday, February 22, 2008

A date certain

PMS counter-offered the Liberals yesterday and agreed to a date certain to end the Afghanistan mission -- December 2011, six months after the Liberals end-date proposal. However, Harper won't agree to Liberal demands that turning over detainees should be stopped; instead the motion states operational decisions should be left to the field commanders.

While my preference remains bringing the troops home next year, it's good to see that this never ending story may finally have an end in terms of the Canadian contribution. The fact remains that NATO still isn't pulling its weight. There's something inherently wrong when 26 countries declare war on Osama Bin Laden after 9/11 but only six or seven are willing to provide troops and equipment.

I do hope as well there is a greater focus on development and diplomacy. This should have been the case a long time ago from when this all started and too many opportunities have been squandered. If there is a place where we still have a chance to win the hearts and minds of a people it is in Afghanistan.

The other thing is that the border with Afghanistan has to be made more secure, without question. Only trouble I see is an unwillingness to do so even with surveillance and counter-intelligence measures. The US and Canada have difficulty at times securing their common demilitarized border. If we can't properly ensure a fast and still secure border here, what does it say about about standing guard alongside Waziristan and the Northwest Frontier and Tora Bora, which have so many caves Fred Flintstone would feel right at home?

The main point is, though, the Liberals and Conservatives broadly agree that there has to be an end date. What that date will be is still up for negotiation; but this time it had better be a date certain and not something with enough loopholes that it's an open ended committment.

We don't want a 100 year war. We must end it fast, and we must win so Afghanistan can stand on its own; but Kabul has to step up to the plate as well and start taking care of itself.

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